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semi sumo deadlift reddit

Shawn Zep on May 14, 2013 at 2:26 pm said: I am blessed with the same build as Rory and started pulling sumo myself. Keep in mind that I had a long pause in between each rep because I was trying to not think of the pain my thumbs were in. Alternative Names: Wide stance deadlift, sumo barbell deadlift Type: Powerlifting Experience Level: Intermediate Equipment: Barbell Muscles Targeted: Hamstrings, glutes, quads, lower back Mechanics: Compound Average Number of Sets: 3-4 with 8-12 reps each Variations: High pull, dumbbell, kettlebell, semi, Smith machine, landmine sumo deadlifts Perfect post for my training tonight. They were semisumo or wide stance conventional deadlifts. This thread is archived. Sep 19, 2017 #4 Highly recommend the 1-day barbell course! 18 thoughts on “ Coaching the Sumo Deadlift ” Terrible on May 14, 2013 at 1:57 pm said: Much, much appreciated. Choosing Conventional vs. Sumo Based on Bodyweight. With this in mind, the grip will be anywhere from roughly 1-2 feet apart. One of the strongest dead lifters I've seen had a stance like conventional but with his arms inside his legs and his legs just far enough apart to make room. Reactions: ShawnM. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Although I suspect the key to his success was really the mullet. Just stay in whatever position feels the most powerful, IMO. Related: 18 Exercises To Improve Deadlift Technique. For the first week, go heavy in the rep range of two to five reps per set. Sumo's start at 0:58. WATCH: Sumo Deadlift Technique for CrossFit Competitors and Weightlifters. Why you’re doing the sumo deadlift will impact how you do the sumo deadlift. I narrowed the stance and thought it was still sumo, but someone told me it was semi sumo. Diese Kreuzheben Variante eignet sich vor allem für große Athleten beziehungsweise für Athleten mit einem schwachen, unteren Rücken. I suggest starting this program at 70%1RM for sets of 8, 80% 1RM for sets of 5, and 90% 1RM for sets of 2. They weren't. As a matter of fact, many forward-thinking therapists use the sumo deadlift and variations to rehab their patients from a back injury. "semi-sumo" (which is a really stupid term, as sumo defines the hand position being inside the legs) negates a lot of the benefits of both conventional and sumo deadlifting. SUMO SOLE: NAVY/ STEEL HYBRID. This is another common problem that arises when placing your feet too wide. When you finally come around and try these, the rest of us will already be well-versed with them. Not bad. Get stronger. Just a thought. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, I have questions about the differences and the benefits of: Sumo, Semi Sumo, and Stiff Leg DLs. In this case, your knees don't remain stacked above your feet because your hips can't externally rotate wide enough. Hitting a plateau and slowly grinding out weight that used to feel light can be disheartening. Don't care. I got into it for a bit too and smashed my conventional PRs pretty rapidly doing what I thought were "sumo" deadlifts. This position will produce the greatest strength increases. Thus, I've gone to the very narrow stance. Similar to a sumo deadlift, the arms and grip should be placed in between the legs to create a feeling of straddling the barbell. A lot of factors come into play such as hip mobility, biomechanics, and individual lifter strengths. I think I see a few things wrongs, i think. In 2006 my best competition deadlift was 484 pounds at 198. The difference between the two lies in the setup of the lifter's feet and hands. Slow cutting to 170 lbs. Let me elaborate below. Instead of throwing in the towel on progress, let’s take a look at nine deadlift assistance exercises you can try to improve your deadlift. Archived. The head needs to be looking slightly upward in the conventional, sumo, stiff-legged and suitcase deadlift. So I gave sumo deadlift a go for the first time today and would love feedback. I'm trying to make the switch from conventional after tweaking my back, which I think was probably due to not setting up with a neutral spine. I've done sumo deadlift 3 times so far and I'm also working on my hook grip to do it with my sumo's from now on. Seriously, any feedback. Monday – Deadlift Day. I've done sumo deadlift 3 times so far and I'm also working on my hook grip to do it with my sumo's from now on. Unlike the sumo deadlift where the feet tend to rotate outwards in excess of 45 degrees, the squat-stance deadlift requires you to keep the feet relatively straight. Log in to Reply . Deciding whether to do conventional or sumo also depends on your overall bodyweight. Deadlift Cue #6: Shoulder Blades Over Barbell. Conventional deadlift are more of a full body movement, and I realize I'm being vague, but the reason for choosing one over the other are your body proportions. Lifting the weight by rounding your back opens both your hip and knee angle during the start, bringing the hips closer to the weight. Start the exercise with lighter weights, ranging from 200-300 lbs. Variations: High pull, dumbbell, kettlebell, semi, Smith machine, landmine sumo deadlifts; Alternative: Zercher squats, sumo deadlift with chains; The sumo deadlift, usually performed by powerlifters, is a type of deadlift exercise that helps in increasing strength and adding muscle mass to your posterior chain. Do it very light and try and get the “feel” of the torso remaining static, with the head and hips in exactly the same position with bar on the floor and bar on the knee. I kept getting called for hitching or ramping. Does anyone have any experience with or knowledge about a close(r) sumo stance they would like to share? Posted on May 14, 2013 by Cloud. Essentially, it’s a stance similar to your squat but maybe a tad wider and a bit more upright than your conventional closed stance position. Anna C Level 9 Valued Member. At the end of the program I tested my semi-sumo deadlift and maxed out at 375 lbs. So, for those lifters, what I call the hybrid sumo stance could perhaps be the best for you. 30. Although after doing some research on it a lot of people basically said that it's the worst of both worlds. Der Unterschied zum regulären Sumo-Kreuzheben ist neben der äußerlich erkennbar differenzierten Position der Füße, dass die Hüfte weniger stark am Heben der Last beteiligt wird, wie es noch im Vergleich zum Sumo-Kreuheben der Fall ist. 75% Upvoted. Also, notable gains were made in my posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, back). The Sumo deadlift is a variation of the conventional deadlift often adopted by powerlifters. Semi-sumo still lets me pull more weight, but without the associated hip pain. Have you tried sumos off a deficit? While there is no one answer to this question, it can make or break a lifters’ ability to deadlift sumo. Coaching the Sumo Deadlift. As I stated above, the shoulder position in relation to the barbell is a critical part of the set up in the deadlift. I'd recommend choosing the one that your body proportions favor. The deadlift is the most primal feeling exercise — you pick weight up and you put it down. Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) More What You’re Getting Yourself Into: 1,900 words, 6-13 minute read time. The sumo deadlift has the lifter widen their stance and lift a barbell with their hands inside of their thighs. 4 Hi! The beginning is just my top set of 5/3/1 for my deadlift day. This modified sumo deadlift is mostly used by powerlifters who want to maximize the amount of weight they can lift. There are … Beim Sumo Kreuzheben (Sumo Deadlift) befinden sich die Hände zwischen den Beinen und der Stand ist besonders breit. report . Sold Out. Semi-Sumo-Kreuzheben kann hier eine akzeptable Alternative sein, um zumindest die Einrundung des Rückens zu vermeiden. The semi sumo deadlift is where you place your feet slightly outside of shoulder-width distance, but not outside the hash-marks on the barbell. Continue Reading Semi Sumo Deadlift: Should You Do It? We’ve had some talk lately about sumo deadlifts. "semi-sumo" (which is a really stupid term, as sumo defines the hand position being inside the legs) negates a lot of the benefits of both conventional and sumo deadlifting. I have a 260 kg max deadlift using a sumo stance where my toes are about 2 inches/5 cm from the plates each side. The Sumo deadlift is a … It should feel as though the bar is positioned between the feet and legs rather than in front of them. Reactions: Carl in Dover. 30. The starting hip position is usually slightly lower on the semi sumo deadlift when compared with the full sumo, and the hands are placed inside the shins. How to do Semi Sumo Deadlift. Sumo love me long time. Also, notable gains were made in my posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, back). Jedoch bedeutet "ein gutes Gefühl" zu haben nicht unbedingt, dass man die Technik auch richtig ausführt. The reason I decided to try sumo deadlift was because I read this articlle WATCH: How I Made It Easy to Rep A 1000-pound Deadlift. I know what you mean about being weak off the floor and stronger at lockout, that is sumo at the same time. At the end of the program I tested my semi-sumo deadlift and maxed out at 375 lbs. Or it's possible you aren't focusing on creating torque with the hips to pull the knees into the wider position. Semi-Sumo Deadlift 3x6-8 reps. Dumbbell Floor Press 3x8-10 reps. One Arm Dumbbell Rows 3x8-10 reps. Dumbbell Jump Squats 3x fail reps Workout 6: Low Handle Trap Bar Deadlift 3x10-12 reps. Incline Press 3x8-10 reps. Dumbbell Rows 3x10-12 reps. Leg Press 3x15 reps Workout 7: Leg Press 3x15 reps. Close Grip Bench Press 3x8-10. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It basically put me right in the middle of both conventional and sumo. Like 5'8". Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift ; Staggered Deadlift ; Single-leg Deadlift; Suitcase Deadlift; How To Deadlift- Techniques. Deadlift the bar from the ground building speed pushing through the heels; Aggressively extend the hips and follow through into a shrug keeping the arms long; Arms begin to bend after the shrug keeping the path of the bar tight to the body with the elbows high and outside the bar No problems at Reddit. It's a fad. Just in case anyone asks I'm 5'8" and 206 atm. level 1. So for the past 2 weeks at the end of my deadlift session I have been adding in some sumo deadlifts, but apparently they aren't sumo deadlifts, they're semi sumo deadlifts. A semi-sumo stance can also prevent knee valgus or inward collapse. User account menu. People will also argue that the sumo deadlift is easier because it allows your hips to stay closer to the bar. as I'm weak off the floor and much stronger at lockout, Congrats, you are a sumo deadlifter. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Even Pozdeev doesn't have a super narrow stance, He's also pretty short, though. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Way closer than any sumo I've seem but not conventional either. Specifically, we mean how … A good test and assistance exercise is the sumo deadlift to knee height; essentially just this first pull followed by a reversal back down to the floor. Back Angle For Conventional & Sumo Deadlifts. A 30 lb increases from my estimated 1 rep max. Just make sure you aren't going sooo narrow that you're losing back position. Key Points: Your hip structure will impact your strength and comfort in the conventional and sumo deadlift much more than factors like height and limb lengths. The sumo deadlift relies on recruiting the hips, glutes, and legs to initiate the first portion of the pull, while the conventional has a more equal balance between the lower back and hamstrings. Traditionally, hip stance is far wider in Sumo deadlifts, and toes are pointed slightly outwards. In many cases the squat-stance deadlift allows the lifter to pull with the strongest, safest, and most efficient biomechanics. This is another common problem that arises when placing your feet too wide. Your stance will be about 6 to 8 inches wider than a typical conventional deadlift pattern, and this will give deadlifters a few crucial degrees of geometrical change. My deadlift has always been a struggle. The goal of keeping your shoulder blades over the barbell is to ensure you’re in the most balanced and mechanically advantageous position prior to initiating the movement. I've included as many … Press J to jump to the feed. Hope this makes sense. I did 3x3 today with 365 lbs. The squat-stance deadlift (similar to the semi-sumo deadlifts used by Ed Coan) represents a variation that falls somewhere in between the sumo and conventional techniques. The sumo deadlift is an effective ultimate lower body exercise and the benefits go much further than just building big legs and a strong back. Posted by 4 years ago. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. Thanks for watching! Look up Vashon Perryman for someone who's pretty strong and pulls this way. Many will argue that the sumo deadlift is “cheating” because it has a shorter range of motion (ROM). When it comes to performing deadlifts with an Olympic barbell, my go-to method is the squat stance deadlift. Follow me on social media @StephDorworth. hide. Close. It can help increase hip strength and at the same time, you can also experience decreased shear forces in the lumbar area as well as upper back loading benefits. Elite Certified Instructor. Sumo utilizes the posterior chain more than conventional. Key Points: Your hip structure will impact your strength and comfort in the conventional and sumo deadlift much more than factors like height and limb lengths. JNorton October 2, 2018, 5:21pm #9. Deficit pulls, more quad work, speed work, ect. Terry McCarthy Level 7 Valued Member. Could yall take a look at my semi-sumo deadlift form? best. On this blog we share all the things we wish we knew when getting started. Regardless, I'm going to keep trying it, but I'm curious what your opinions are since there isn't really any information on it, just discussion between people on forums that I've found and a few youtube videos. There's my qualification statement, if you will. Meny Hoppa till innehåll I'm very much struggling with what I feel like "should" be the right form for me vs. what I find is working well right now. (Complete Guide) About Powerlifting Technique. It's called the sumo deadlift. A lot of people who 'semi sumo' think they look like Ed Coan when really they just lack hip mobility. Sold Out. Hello everyone. Sumo Deadlift Exercise Information. I locked it and that's all that matters to me as a recreational lifter. In terms of foot placement, there is no one size fits all approach to setting up. Good chance you've seen this video but if not: I deadlift semi sumo as well, not because I understand very much about the pros and cons but simply because it is more comfortable for me. Tips. share. For whatever reason, sumo deadlifts have become extremely popular. Our model today is one of my Vintage Strong lifters, RoryT. Last edited: Nov 16, 2016. Nun habe ich einige Zeit mit Suchen nach guten Anleitungen / Videos zum Thema Semi-Sumo Kreuzheben verbracht, aber nichts brauchbares gefunden. I recognize the difference in the actual stance but my reading, this far, has implied that all three lifts target the hamstrings (but don't really detail out the specific benefits - in contrast to other DLs). I tried a really wide stance sumo and it felt awkward. Keep in mind that I had a long pause in between each rep because I was trying to not think of the pain my thumbs were in. The sumo deadlift does not as you are supposed to be almost upright. If you find the measurements suggesting you can deadlift either conventional or sumo, then a semi-sumo deadlift stance might be more appropriate for you. (Complete Guide) About Powerlifting Technique. The sumo deadlift is immensely technical, but at the same time there's a ton of variation in how people pull based off of body structure. Enthusiast 7 years ago. A lot of people tell me to go wide stance but every time I try, I lose a lot of my power. The conventional deadlift versus the sumo deadlift is one of the great debates in the strength sports. If you do identify some resources it would be much appreciated if you would post links here . Even though you only pull 5 submax singles each session, you do this 5 times per week and you have 25 reps at 75%. The semi sumo deadlift, popularized by the American powerlifter Ed Coan, is a sumo deadlift variation performed in the same way as the conventional deadlifts except with a wider stance and a round-back. Reactions: damogari, … More glutes, lots of hamstrings, lots of hips. Sold Out. Programs don't differentiate between sumo deadlifts and deadlifts, I find repping out sumo deadlifts easier, while in the lower/heavier rep ranges, its more true to the % of my 1RM. For me, that's Sumo as well (6'5, not very long arms). While it's an awesome variation for general strength building, it's also sparked controversy in the powerlifting community. A 30 lb increases from my estimated 1 rep max. Beim Sumo Kreuzheben … ich habe in letzter Zeit mich an wenig an Semi-Sumo-Deadlifts versucht und habe festgestellt, dass ich ein viel besseres Gefühl habe. I hold my states deadlift record sumo pulling. Even though you only pull 5 submax singles each session, you do this 5 times per week and you have 25 reps at 75%. Note: if your leverages are indicating that you could deadlift either conventional or sumo, you might want to try the semi-sumo deadlift stance. If you want to stand with your feet narrower, and toes pointed more forward, you'll pull what I like to call a combo pull. BUY NOW. Try pulling as if you're pulling conventional, but it hands inside. In this case, your knees don't remain stacked above your feet because your hips can't externally rotate wide enough. Maybe just try it and see how it feels, it can definitely work. MalmöTrappan AB Allt inom trappor, i och utanför Malmö! It also depends on how tall you are. Visit for injury consults, team training, & online coaching. It shows my 2nd and 3rd set. I'm sure there's lots more that I don't see. Nov 16, 2016 #23 John Inzer also used the Narrow Stance Sumo or Semi Sumo or whatever you want to call it. They felt pretty comfortable and I feel I can possibly out lift my conventional in this stance if I train it little by little over time alongside conventional. You'll be stronger off the floor than with a wider stance, but you'll be making lockout more difficult, bar speed will be slower, and speed off the floor still won't be as good as conventional. I can nearly pull the same numbers conventional, but not quite as strong with conventional. Sumo Deadlift Sets, Reps, and Weight Recommendations. Sumo Deadlift Form and Positioning Foot placement. I might make it slightly wider though. Why not just work on improving your strength in your normal stance? Or it's possible you aren't focusing on creating torque with the hips to pull the knees into the wider position. Keeping head slightly upward better your position and increase hip drive. Exercise #1: Deadlifts. save. THE MISSION. The benefit is reduced ROM in exchange for a somewhat harder lockout in my experience. A semi-sumo stance can also prevent knee valgus or inward collapse. The fiercest critics of the sumo deadlift have lambasted it as a "bastardised deadlift". The sumo deadlift doesn't require as much ankle or t-spine mobility, so those with poor mobility who can't get in the proper position for conventional deadlifts can often pull sumo without any problem. Some of you are still of the mindset that “only conventional deads are ‘real’!” That’s fine. In powerlifting, specifically the deadlift, the “just right” or the Goldilocks Zone, might not be pulling conventional, nor sumo, nor even Old English Style (we rarely hear about that one anymore). Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) More What You’re Getting Yourself Into: 1,900 words, 6-13 minute read time. I’ve also heard this exercise referred to as a “semi sumo deadlift.” In simplest terms, the forearms are still in contact with the knees and shins in the setup, except the legs are on the outside versus the inside. Note: if your leverages are indicating that you could deadlift either conventional or sumo, you might want to try the semi-sumo deadlift stance. Sort by. I pull sumo with close feet mainly because it feels more natural. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the powerlifting community, A subreddit for the sport of powerlifting, Press J to jump to the feed. Just looked up Perryman. As I stated above, the shoulder position in relation to the barbell is a critical part of the set up in the deadlift. He has some sick pulls. It could be mobility issue or something but with close stance i pull 500 whereas once I go wide, I struggle getting 405 up. You’ll start on Monday with regular conventional deadlifts for 3 work sets. On this blog we share all the things we wish we knew when getting started. Semi Sumo Deadlift. From the very beginning, Notorious Lift has been about two things: Innovation and Philanthropy. Check out my article on the SEMI-SUMO DEADLIFT, which might allow you to find a better start position based on your individual leverages. I never miss lockout still, but my floor speed has gone up. Hi! Each week you will alternate between sets of 8, sets of 5, or sets of 2. Nothing wrong with a somewhat closer stance, you don't have to go full toes-to-plates. GOAT Ed Coan is pictured setting up for a Semi Sumo Deadlift. Lol first thing I thought of when you said frog stance was this (sfw). I probably had 10 reps total with the semi-sumo before I filmed this. Yeah, frog stance / hybrid stance works really well for some people. Related: 18 Exercises To Improve Deadlift Technique. By pretty strong I mean world record holder, of course. When the bar is gripped with the lifter's hands inside their legs, the form is considered "Sumo". I’m Avi Silverberg and this is the place where my friends and I nerd out about powerlifting technique. This is "Semi sumo deadlift" by Jeff Santiago on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Log in to Reply. PM, I want to hear more on this and continue the discussion. I currently pull sumo and I'm wanting to try out a closer sumo stance, as I'm weak off the floor and much stronger at lockout. Hier liegt die Arbeitsleistung vor allem auf den Beinen (vordere Oberschenkemuskulatur). Yeah I hitched and use straps. I pull with a very narrow sumo stance. We want to create the premiere experience in lifting and footwear, both in terms of function and aesthetic, while giving back to causes we are passionate about, symbolized by our different colorways. Log In Sign Up. Continue Reading Semi Sumo Deadlift: Should You Do It? Mobility is definitely a factor, but it's also a matter of proportion. WATCH: How I Made It Easy to Rep A 1000-pound Deadlift. 30 votes, 19 comments. Not bad. Sumo Kreuzheben. So, let’s talk more about this deadlift variation many people are seeing phenomenal results with. To add onto this, I've found that snatch grip deadlifts really helped with my speed off the floor as well. You only really have to go so wide such that you can keep your shins vertical. Business in the front, party in the back. Form check please: Sumo deadlift. As you stand with a wider than your shoulder-width stance, keep your legs and forearms in contact with each other. The sumo deadlift changes the mechanics of the deadlift to suit people with different body types. Sold Out. Back Angle For Conventional & Sumo Deadlifts. As a matter of fact, many forward-thinking therapists use the sumo deadlift and variations to rehab their patients from a back injury. The sumo deadlift does not as you are supposed to be almost upright. Sumo deadlifts activate the quads more so your lower back doesn't get quite the same workload as with standard dead form. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, M | 725kg | 92.6kg | 456.39wks | IPF | SINGLE PLY. 1 Like. Well, the sumo deadlift will help you enjoy the best of both worlds. I’m assuming your goals are powerlifting oriented (pulling the most weight possible) since you posted in the PL sub-forum, so as long as you can safely pull in a particular stance I see no real issue with any preferred variation. I would like to even that out more. I’m Avi Silverberg and this is the place where my friends and I nerd out about powerlifting technique. I do them between 50 and 60% of my deadlift max for a couple of sets of 5-8. 22 comments. Slowly grinding out weight that used to feel light can be disheartening keyboard shortcuts,:. I never miss lockout still, but my floor speed has gone.! The benefit is reduced ROM in exchange for a somewhat harder lockout in experience. Lately about sumo deadlifts have become extremely popular as if you do the sumo deadlift does not as you n't! Coan is pictured setting up pretty rapidly doing what I call the hybrid sumo stance where friends. 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